Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Vote for Best Title

We're coming out soon with a six-volume Ramayana and this is the first book in the series spanning the Balakanda period of the great epic. We'd like you, our readers, to vote for which title you like best from the options given below. Please type in your vote in the comment section.

One of the world’s great literary masterpieces is skillfully retold for modern audiences

EPICS LIKE THE RAMAYAN have been recounted infinite times. Is there a need for another chronicle in the presence of so many? How is it different? And is it relevant to our ever-changing modern lives?
Yes, there is a need; yes, this is different; and yes, it is most relevant! This new series of books, each following one khand of the Ramayan, decodes the eternal wisdom of that poetic scripture through gripping narrative and thought-provoking instruction. In the time-honored custom of spreading wisdom through tales, every fascinating story in the Ramayan is retold here and every character unfolded to enrapture you heart and open your mind to life’s deepest questions.

The narrative closely follows Valmiki’s Ramayan, gently weaving in folk tales that are in philosophical alignment with it, as well as the beautiful analogies of the Kamba Ramayan. The first of this six-volume series, the Bala Khand, takes you through the divine story of Lord Ram from the circumstances of his birth up to His marriage. Through these pages are revealed the tales of Dasharath’s leadership, the early lessons of the four brothers, Vishwamitra’s quest for power and the intriguing story of a little-known stone maiden. Bala Khand has all of this and much more – food for contemporary thought drawn from an ancient and enduring masterpiece.  


  1. WOW!!! Both covers look great...however I would like to go with option 1 as it has an element of mystery and appeals to a reader to pick up the book and read it!!

  2. The imperfect teacher- as it gives the epic a different perspective, an unexplored one. The title makes for an intriguing read !

  3. My vote is for 'The Imperfect Teacher'!
